TLD 7103 Reader
This device is used for measuring absorbed dose in tablets or powder. The TLD 7103 consists of a simple drawer with a platinum plate. Tablet or powder is located on the plate (which is called planchet) and the device measures the diffused illumination of tablet or powder using related electronic boards by applying various thermal profiles and controlling consequent temperatures on the PMT. The element dose can be measured by diffused illumination.
The TLD 7103 reader is used in medical and health physics, material study and industrial applications.
TLD Reader Specification
Key Characteristics
- This device consists of a platinum plate which used for applying thermal profile to the tablets or powder; in this process the heat is controlled through a thermocouple that is welded under the plate precisely.
- It contains a reference light for calibration.
- Use of nitrogen gas to empty oxygen gas.
- The maximum applied temperature is 400 °C.
- It contains an anti IR filter for absorption IR frequencies generated from reader location.
- It benefits supplementary software for TLD data processing due to using an independent computer.
Process of Acquiring Data From TLD Tablet Or Powder
- Raw data and glow curve saving during acquiring time.
- Warning if the read data be more than predetermined value.
- PMT background and reference light check based on user demand.
TLD Thermal Profile Setting
- Capability of 10 predefined time-temperature profile selection.
- Capability of 4 range of interest on the glow curve.
- Capability of changing the preheat time, preheated temperature, maximum read temperature, ramp of increasing temperature, time and temperature of acquiring, time and temperature of annealing.
TLD 7103 Technical Specification
- Containing Platinum Planchet to put types of tablets and powder
- Induction heat transfer technique
- Transferable heat to tablets from 0o to 400 °C
- Capability to applying various kind of thermal profile with adjustable ramp up to 40 °C/sec
- Visual software with wide range of capability including thermal profile plotting, glow curve drawing, nano coulomb reading output, saving information along with date and time and …
- Complete linear performance
- Repeatability: 2 percent swing based on standard deviation for 10 times measured dose from 1m rad to 100 mGy with 137CS
- “Dark current” below 1 µGy
- Requirement: PC – 220V 50 Hz electricity
- USB and power cable, CD (includes relevant software), box suitable for carrying the device to sensitive areas
Advantages Of A Separate Computer
- CT dose measuring for quality assurance of CT
- Low initial investment
- Possibility to use the computer for other purposes, no need TLD reader
- Use of side software for processing TLD information
Calibration Conditions
- Repeatability testing of responses
- Linearity testing of responses
- Thermoluminescence glow curve testing
Environmental Conditions Required For Installing
- Laboratory room
- A table with dimensions of 1 × 1 m2 to insert the device
- A computer with the following specifications:
1. CPU: Dual Core
2. Ram: 2GB
3. HDD: 80 GB
4. VGA: 256 MB
- The equipped room with an air conditioning for constant temperature and humidity.
- Inspection of radiation on the skin surface.
- Dose check of critical organs
- Diagnostic dose study
- Environmental dosimetry
- Radioactive material study
- Dose check of electronic components
- Total body irradiation dose verification
- Measurement factor for stereotactic scattered beam
- Food irradiation testing
- Radiotherapy treatment verification
Long Term Warranty And After Sales Service
The warranty service includes the repair or service of the instrument and the free provision of services for replacing parts and repair wages for one year, but the warranty does not apply on the following cases:
- Transport damages, electrical fluctuations, fire or heat, contact or penetration of water and corrosive chemicals, intense dust, lightning, natural disasters.
- Instruments manipulated or repaired by persons other than the company’s representatives.
- Any kind of manipulation or damage on installed holograms on the instrument.
- Any displacement after installation without informing the company.
- The warranty does not cover consumables.
- After sales service is for 10 years with payment.