TLD 7103 Reader Software Guideline

The TLD 7103 reader software runs on windows XP that includes some tabs for warming and reading operation of TLD tablets and powders. In this document, instructions to operate with different tabs of software and parameter adjustment are mentioned.


Glow Curves Tab

This tab is displayed by clicking on icon (Glow Curves) that is depicted in following figure .

This tab is made up of one graph to display the TLD temperature and glow. Each graph has a region on its left side which displayed the current coordinates. Zoom in to the interest area is done by mouse dragging. Also, zoom out is done by mouse dragging reversely.


 Graph ACQ Tab

This tab is displayed by clicking on icon (Graph ACQ) that is depicted in following figure.


To review the saved files generated by this software, click on the ‘Load From File’ button and select the target file. The region of interest (ROI) of each curve can be set in a table as shown in following figure.


In this table, if the value of top and bottom of correspond area is typed then the ‘ROI Calc’ be clicked, integral area under the curve is displayed on the left side of curve as a result. If the ‘Print Charts’ button be clicked, selected curves are printed, respectively.


Profile Tab

The profile tab is used for TLD heat parameter settings. This tab is depicted as following figure.


The temperature profile must be selected according to tablet before the TLD tablets reading. If user decides to change profile, he must be click on ‘Save Profile’ after the parameter set; in other hand, if he wants to run the selected profile, must be click on ‘Set Default’. If acquire time is changed, measuring time is also changed. The set temperatures are not applied to this profile.

 TLD Tablet Reading

Process of tablet reading consists of following steps:

  • Thermal profile parameter settins with profile tab.
  • The drawer containing planchet is coming out using the slide key.
  • Put the TLD on the palnchet using proper tools carefully.
  • Push the slide key again to get inside the drawer containing planchet and is located in reading position.
  • Click on ‘Start’ button on the “Glow Curves” tab to start the operation of tablet reading. This operation consists of following steps:
  • Heat process begins according to selected profile. See the ‘Profile’ tab to observe the profile and process of thermal profile parameter settings.
  • The glow and temperature curves are displayed on correspond places.
  • The glow and temperature curves are saved on file. The file path which is specified by user in ‘Profile’ tab and its name is according to TLD reading time and date. The file format is Microsoft Excel and can be open by this software.
  • In each steps of TLD reading process if the ‘Stop’ button is clicked, the operation is terminated.